These are the Sea Trek Helmets that both Madison and Landon's father Cameron wore while under the water during a special ceremony.

This is a live shot that Taylor took while vacationing in the Grand Cayman Islands.

Lea Ellen {night owl in IL{
1/12/2013 06:10:14 am

That is too awesome! I'd love that!

1/12/2013 06:24:02 am

It was loads of fun. It felt like you were in space with all the weightlessness. You got a chance to see many colorful fish.


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    I was raised in the South but have lived in many places around the United States. Reading is my favorite hobby and has been since I was a little girl. Just started writing and am finding pure joy, it is something I was born to do. I love the ocean: swimming, snorkeling, sailing and boating. My secret ambition is to be a professional golfer. Travel is another passion I have.  I like to chew gum and wear a baseball cap when I write.  By day I am a Facility Director in Healthcare and in the wee hours of the night I am living my dream of writing books.



    October 2013
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